Make a start


In addition to all the training, events and opportunities which are on offer in 2018, we are also offering to work more closely with parishes and Ministry Areas to help discern what ministry with children and young people might work in the area.

This could be something completely new, a re-launch of something which used to happen, a series of ‘one off’ events to try things out, a monthly event such as Messy Church – absolutely anything which you feel a heart for and have some local people who will support.

Meet with us and talk about the support we can offer and what else is available – grants, training and much more!

Then we will get things going in these three ways.

  1. Pray it into being – nothing will work without prayer behind it. We commit to praying for you and we ask you to prayerfully consider what ministry you will offer, where it will happen and who will help to make it happen.
  2. Launch it at Pentecost – this might not be the right time for you and that’s fine, but we are hoping that with prayerful beginnings at the start of the year, new work may be able to begin at Pentecost (20th May) or just after with a week of mission or into half term right at the end of the month.
  3. Support through the summer – we will continue to offer support through the summer with leadership, financial support and help with resources. It is our hope that with this strong start, whatever you have worked for will be able to be fully up and running by September for the new academic year.

None of this will be possible if you don’t start now! So get in touch for an initial meeting.

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